Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Food 10 Wonder Foods That Can Naturally Lower Your Blood Pressure

10 Wonder Foods That Can Naturally Lower Your Blood Pressure

 High blood pressure can be a big problem, especially if it is ignored. One of the best ways to lower blood pressure is to incorporate certain foods into your diet, along with lifestyle changes and increased exercise. Some of the best wonder foods that can naturally lower your blood pressure are:
These little emerald beauties are packed with vegetable protein which helps lower blood pressure. Peas also contain folic acid as well as other vitamins which offer overall cardiovascular support to the human body.

Celery makes your veins and heart function more appropriately. This helps to keep your blood pressure in check. It is believed that your blood pressure levels can be maintained by keeping your blood sugar levels balanced. Celery is a superfood that has tons of positive health benefits, including weight loss.

Oatmeal may not be the tastiest thing on the menu, but it is definitely one of the healthiest. If you are averse to taking too much medication, increasing your oatmeal intake is a great option. Just one bowl of oatmeal in breakfast can considerably lower your blood pressure. Use an all-natural version of oatmeal and not the artificial flavored type, as it has tons of sugars, which end up raising your glucose levels. Keep it natural and add fresh fruit to your breakfast bowl for added flavor.

Oranges have been heralded for their vitamin C content, but papaya surprisingly has more vitamin C per gram than an orange. In addition to this, papayas are also loaded with minerals and vitamins like potassium and amino acids, making it one of the healthiest fruits, and a great start to lower your blood pressure. Due to its potassium content, it also has several heart-healthy benefits.

Yogurt contains calcium, magnesium and potassium, which makes it a great choice to keep your high blood pressure in check. Be sure to choose a variety that has a low fat content. Consuming yogurt by itself may not manifest in many beneficial ways, but it can if you pair it with other healthy foods and lifestyle changes.

These fuzzy green fruits are a delightful combination of tangy and sweet, and have been known to keep blood pressure from soaring. Include at least 3 kiwis into your diet, every day. If you find it too tedious to eat as is, you could put them in a fruit salad or consume them with other foods that are rich in anti-oxidants.

Tomatoes are the secret superfood that no one really paid attention to, until recently. Apart from their other health benefits, tomatoes are also known to keep blood pressure in check due to its lycopene content. Tomatoes are also known to help with the prevention of diabetes and to curb premature ageing of the skin. When you eat them, try not to overcook them or process them too much.

Green Beans
Green beans are known to have a direct impact on your blood pressure and create favorable conditions to achieve healthy levels. This is due to their vitamin C, potassium and fiber content. Add some sauteed green beans, dusted with pepper and salt to your dinner menu every day and watch its health benefits manifest itself.

Guavas are a wonder fruit that is known for its high potassium levels, which are known to be especially beneficial for lowering blood pressure levels and aiding weight loss. They also contain fiber that has a direct positive impact on your digestive system.

Blueberries are known for their antioxidant properties and keep your blood pressure levels low by knocking out free radicals in your system. Add a bowl of fresh blueberries to your breakfast menu every morning, or add some to your oatmeal for a power-packed start to the day. Try not to add any sugar, as that would negate their blood pressure lowering benefits and dilute the overall effect they have on the body.

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