Sunday, 2 November 2014

Health Benefits of Cinnamon

Amazing Health Benefits of Cinnamon


Cinnamon is obtained from the bark of Cinnamomum tree. Cinnamon used to be a rare spice in the olden days. In those days its availability was limited. Although Cinnamomum tree is native to Sri Lanka, today you can find it in several countries. Cinnamon has strong preservative properties. It is also popular for its medicinal uses. It is used extensively for culinary purposes. However, in these review we will be discussing some of the medicinal uses of this amazing spice.

Health Benefits of Cinnamon

1. Cholesterol

  • Cholesterol is used by our body to generate vitamin D, hormones and digestive salts. However, if there is excess cholesterol, it can clog the arteries and cause several health disorders.

  • The fiber and calcium content of cinnamon discards salt from our body. This in turn destroys the concentration of bile in our intestines. This prompts our body to create new bile. For this bile formation our body utilizes cholesterol.

  • How to take cinnamon? Mix powdered cinnamon with honey and dissolve it in tea water. Drink this preparation and watch your cholesterol levels going down. You can follow other simple ways to reduce high cholesterol

2. Cold

Cold is a common infection that spreads quite fast. Although there are several medications available in the pharmacy, people prefer natural remedies that are effective as well as free from side effects.

  • Mix a little cinnamon powder with some honey (1 tbsp). Take this mixture twice in a day to get rid of cold symptoms.

  • You can also mix cinnamon powder (1 tbsp) with green tea for treating cold.

3. Arthritis:

Arthritis can be of different types.  However, in most of the cases the symptoms include swelling and pain in the joints. Cinnamon can be helpful in treating some of the common varieties of arthritis

  • Mix little honey (2 tbsp) in a glass of hot water. Add cinnamon powder (1 tbsp) to this mixture. Drink this mixture twice in a day in order to get rid of arthritis.

4. Pimples:

A blend of honey and cinnamon can help you to get rid of pimples or acne.
The following recipe is an effective treatment for pimples.


  • Take 2 tbsp of honey

  • Take 3/4th tbsp of cinnamon powder

  • Make a paste of cinnamon and honey and apply it on your face.

  • When it dries rinse off with water.

Continue this treatment for 4 weeks to get good results.

5. Indigestion

The combination of cinnamon and honey helps in treating stomach ulcers and it helps in relieving gas. It also protects the bladder from infections. Home remedy:

  • Take a cup of warm water

  • Mix 1 tbsp of honey

  • Add 2 tbsp of cinnamon powder

  • Take this mixture on a regular basis.

6. Heart Diseases:

Make a paste of cinnamon powder and honey and use it as a spread on bread and roti. Consuming this on a daily basis can help you to prevent heart diseases.

7. Skin Infections:

  • For skin infections apply a mixture of cinnamon powder and honey. This treatment works for all sorts of skin disorders.

  • For wounds and cuts apply a bit of cinnamon powder. Cinnamon has antibacterial properties and it can expedite the healing process.

8. Weight Loss:

Mix some cinnamon powder with honey and add a glass of water. Boil it and drink the mixture every morning and night. This can help you to lose weight and reduce obesity.

9. Cancer:

Mix 1 tbsp of cinnamon powder with 1 tbsp of honey. Take this mixture thrice in a day for 1 month. This medication has the potential to cure bone and stomach cancer.

10. Longevity:

Make a mixture of cinnamon powder (1 tbsp) and honey (4 tbsp) and add some water. Boil this mixture and consume it 3 times in a day. This can reduce aging signs and promote longevity.

11. Fights Infection

Cinnamon has strong anti-infectious properties that help in fighting infections. It contains an anti-bacterial agent that kills H. Pylori bacteria that causes ulcer.

12. Source Of Minerals

Cinnamon contains minerals like calcium, iron, manganese and fiber. These minerals are highly beneficial and they help in proper maintenance of our body.

13. Natural Preservative

Cinnamon has the potential to act as a natural preservative. It preserves food and also gives a great aroma to it.

14. Cures Menstrual Pains

Taking cinnamon tea on a regular basis can cure menstrual pains and cramps.

15. Infertility

Cinnamon contains an active ingredient known as Cinnamonaldehyde which promotes the secretion of progesterone and reduces the production of testosterone. This in turn promotes fertility in women.

16. Neurodegenerative Disease

Cinnamon acts as an anti-inflammatory agent that helps in treating the symptoms of diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and multiple sclerosis.

17. Enhances Brain Function

The scent of cinnamon has the potential to enhance memory and cognitive ability of a person.
Benefits Of Cinnamon For Skin
Cinnamon helps in curing a wide range of skin problems. In Ayurveda, cinnamon has several uses. Mentioned below are some of the benefits of cinnamon for your skin

18. Cures Acne And Scars

  • Cinnamon has strong anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and antioxidant properties. It helps in curing acne and scars.

  • Make a paste of cinnamon powder (1 tbsp) and honey (3 tbsp). Apply this mixture on your face and wait for 10 minutes before rinsing off.

  • Cinnamon kills the bacteria that cause acne and honey makes the skin moist and removes redness.

19. Remedy For Dry Skin:

Make a paste of cinnamon powder, sea salt, honey, almond oil and olive oil. Use this as a scrub for your skin. This would make the skin soft and moist.

20. Cures Eczema

A mixture of cinnamon and honey can cure eczema in about a week. However, this treatment is not applicable for children. Also it is not safe to apply this on your face. Some people may even have allergic reactions. Cinnamon is also effective in treating ringworms.

21. Cure For Insect Bites

The itchiness and inflammation caused by different types of insect bites can be healed with the help of cinnamon. Apply a mixture of honey and cinnamon to the affected area. This sooths the skin and curbs the possibility of infection.

22. Plumps Skin

Cinnamon enhances blood circulation in your skin. This helps in plumping the skin and in making it look tighter. A blend of cinnamon essential oil and petroleum jelly can reduce the visibility of fine lines. Avoid the eye area while applying this mixture. You can also use this mixture on your lips to give more volume to your lips.

23. Breath Freshener

Chewing cinnamon can help you to get rid of bad breath. Alternatively, you can gargle with cinnamon water.

24. Cure For Rough Feet

Cinnamon contains antioxidants that soften dry and scaly skin. Apply a mixture of lemon, whole milk, olive oil and cinnamon powder on your feet. You can also soak the affected areas in this mixture. Leave it for 15 minutes.

Benefits of Cinnamon

Image courtesy: Mahesh

Benefits Of Cinnamon For Hair

Cinnamon can help you to reduce hair loss and enhance the luster and beauty of your hair. Listed below are some of the uses of cinnamon that can help you with your hair-care needs.

  1. Enhances Hair Growth: You can reduce hair fall by applying cinnamon oil or cinnamon paste. In order to enhance hair growth, apply a mixture of cinnamon powder, olive oil and honey. Let it stay for 15 minutes before rinsing off with a gentle shampoo.

  2. Scalp Cleanser: Apply a mixture of cinnamon powder, olive oil and honey on your scalp and let it remain for 15 minutes. Rinse off with a mild shampoo. This would help you to exfoliate and cleans your scalp. This would also nourish your scalp as well as your hair.

  3. Lightens Hair: For lightening your hair apply a mixture of cinnamon powder and hair conditioner. Leave it overnight and rinse off with a mild shampoo.

Tips To Select And Preserve Cinnamon


Cinnamon sticks or quills are curled and they have a sweet flavor. Cinnamon powder has a tan color and it has a stronger flavor. If you want to store it for a longer time, then opt for cinnamon sticks rather than powder.

Cinnamon is of two types; Ceylon and Chinese. Ceylon cinnamon is more refined and rarer compared to Chinese variety. You can shop for Ceylon cinnamon from ethnic spice markets. When shopping for cinnamon, always opt for organic cinnamon. Inorganic cinnamon is deficient in carotenoid and Vitamin C.


Cinnamon should be stored in airtight jars or containers. It should be stored in a dark, dry and cool place. If cinnamon is exposed to heat or sunlight, its shelf life would decrease. On an average, cinnamon powder can be stored for 3 years. Cinnamon sticks would last for around 4 years. When cinnamon becomes stale it loses its aroma, color and flavor. You can also store cinnamon in refrigerator. It would be better to buy cinnamon sticks so that you can grind it at home.

Culinary Uses

Cinnamon is a spice that adds flavor to just about any dish or preparation. It is used as an additive in stews, curries, spicy dishes and soups. Cinnamon has an earthy flavor and is used in preparing mulled wine, season stews and apple cider preparations. It is also used in baked dishes, sweets, marinades, dressings, beverages, fish, poultry and meats.

  1. In certain parts cinnamon is used to add flavor to liqueurs and chocolates.

  2. Cassia is used for preparing curries, pickles, spicy dishes, candies and meat preparations. It is also used to add fragrance to items like wines, teas, fruits and sweets.

  3. Just like bay leaves, Cassia is used as an ingredient in different types of cuisines.

  4. Cinnamon can be used to prepare toast along with flax seed oil and honey.

  5. You can cook cinnamon sticks with honey and soymilk.

  6. You can use cinnamon along with sugar for preparing sweetened waffles.

  7. Cook black beans with cinnamon. This would make your nachos and burritos even more delicious.

  8. Sinker-doodles are special cinnamon cookies that are quite delicious.

  9. Use cinnamon along with raisins and eggplant to saute lamb preparations.

  10. You can make your lamb tagines more delicious by using cinnamon along with prunes.

  11. Cinnamon can be used for preparing different types of chicken biriyanis.

  12. You can make spiked tomatoes by using cinnamon. Heat jalapeno pepper with olive oil and saute it after adding salt. Add cinnamon to this mixture and stir for half a minute. Add these to tomatoes along with sugar, pepper and salt. This preparation can be severed before dinner as an appetizer.

  13. Cinnamon can be used as a flavoring agent in items like hot doughnuts, soups, puddings and cakes.

  14. You can use cinnamon to spice up tuna salads and tuna sandwiches.

  15. Cinnamon sticks can be used as a flavoring agent for items like blueberry cakes, apple pies and desserts. You can use grated sticks or remove the sticks after cooking.

  16. You can add cinnamon to make your coffee spicier. You can also use it for preparing fruit dishes like baked apples.

Are you looking for a special remedy that can enhance the quality of your hair and skin? Are you concerned about aging signs and hair fall? If you are looking for a natural remedy then cinnamon is your best possible answer. Cinnamon is a complete remedy that has countless number of benefits for your skin and hair. In this review I have outlined different benefits and uses of cinnamon sticks and cinnamon powder. The spice helps in preserving your natural beauty and repairing the damages caused by aging signs and pollution.


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