Friday, 31 October 2014

5 Rules From Childhood That Boost Creativity

5 Rules From Childhood That Boost Creativity

 We will all agree that creativity matters a lot in our life, even more as we become an adult. If we look back at days when we were young, we realize that our approach to life and our perspective to look at things were totally different than what we have as an adult. Our approach to the world was unfiltered and that's what made us extremely creative. Clearly, there is a lot to learn from our younger days especially when it comes to creativity. This articles explores 5 rules from our childhood that will boost creativity as an adult. 


 When we were young, playtime was a crucial part of our daily routine. It was the time when we just had fun without a reason and did what made us happy. When we play our mind is completely of the tasks and chores that we have to do and that's what exactly is needed to inspire out-of-box ideas from the creative side of your mind.
So, no matter how busy your schedule is, make some play time for yourself on a weekly basis if not daily. Let your mind have some fun and see how that lets your creative juices flow later.
Do things for fun

Another very important thing that we did as a child is doing things for the fun of doing them, and not obsessing about the results. Remember when you were playing hide and seek with your friends, finding all hiders was not your key focus, but playing the game was. Another example is when you were given projects at school as a child. Remember how doing that project excited you and how you will look for ways to do it, without focusing too much about being the best or making the best project. That approach gave you a lot of freedom and space to experiment and that's what inspired creativity. Follow the same rule as you take on projects in life as an adult. Focus on the project, focus on how you would like to do it in a way that you will enjoy and the result will automatically follow.
Ask Questions

Remember how as a child how you were always fascinated with the little wonders of the world and life. Curiosity was the fuel of life and asking questions was never shied away from. As we grew older, that innocent curiosity was taken over by fear of being mocked upon not knowing things and we stopped asking questions. Most of our questions as an adults are expression of doubts than a curious exploration.
When you look at the world with wonder and curiosity, and ask questions to find out more, new thoughts and ideas will flow giving a boost to your creative nerves.
Let your mind wander

Fantasizing and mind wandering use to be a favorite pastime for us in childhood. Our dreams and imagination was creative and knew no limits. Nothing was off limit or impractical and that's what led us to find creative ways of doing things. As an adult, we have stopped indulging in fantasies and everything is all about what is practical and possible. That approach is a quite creativity killer. If you want to tap into your creative side as an adult, go wear your fantasy caps again and let your mind wander.
Be open

As a child, what we knew was never a limitation for us to what else the world has to offer. But as an adult, we are always looking for proofs to believe in anyone or anything. If the proof is not there we say those things don't exist. As a child we were much more open and if we could not see a proof to something, it meant that it is possible and we would go on exploring those possibilities. As an adult, we lose that openness and limit ourselves by what we know.
Imagine if our scientists and discoverers would have done the same thing, we could have never had inventions like electricity, telephone, television, and so on. Don't limit yourself with your knowledge, be open, and see how creativity will flow to you and take you places.

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